Aims :-
RESEARCH ANAYLYSIS AND EVALUATION ---- is a monthly international journal publishing double blind peer - reviewed research in multidisciplinary it is publish in English, Hindi , Gujarati & Marathi our aim is worldwide recognition and fast publication. RAE makes readers of the change happening in higher education and society as well as research an end us. our journal helps in providing a convenient, reliable as we as cost effective solution of processing and delivering the publication to the door step of our readers. Obejctives : To publish high quality research papers. To publish original innovative and novel research articles. A Scholar double blind review process. To stimulate Indian Streams Research Writing. Fast publication & Open Access. Motto : To recognition World Wide. To publish high quality research papers Expert double blind peer - Reviewer. Fast and Quality publication. Stimulate young researchers Research articles recognize world wide Mission : The Mission of RESEARCH ANALYSIS & EVALUATION is multidisciplinary research journal, publish monthly in English, Hindi & Marathi, is provides for academic, university's students to publish current and significant research as well as publication activities. This journal accepts research article on all areas of higher education. There is no deadline for article submission